Medigap Comparison Charts

For those who are on Medicare, sorting out the different pieces of the program and understanding how they all work together is complicated. Each program has different rules, different coverage gaps and benefits, and covers different parts of health care. With different plans, beneficiaries may have copays, deductibles, and "donut holes" where they have little to no coverage.
The purpose of Medigap coverage is to help with those smaller costs which patients may find unaffordable. Knowing that your copays and deductibles will be covered can make it easier to get the treatment you need.
Medigap Policy Need to Know
- There are different Medigap plans available in each state.
- Medigap plans are also known as Medicare Supplemental Insurance.
- While Medigap Plan F is the most popular, it may not be the most appropriate plan for every Medicare recipient.
- While many different companies offer Medigap plans, each company's coverage is exactly the same, since the coverage requirements are controlled by the federal government.
Because each plan is the same, it makes sense to work with an insurance company you trust. Direct Insurance Network has been offering high quality insurance in the Boca Raton and Palm Beach County areas of South Florida for years, and has a long history of excellent customer service and reliable benefits. We are pleased to offer high quality Medigap Insurance plans to our Boca Raton and Palm Beach customers.
Medigap Insurance Coverage in Palm Beach County
By law, Medigap insurance plans must all cover the same things. Plan F will cover the same benefits from every insurance company who offers the plan, for example. The price, however, is likely to be different from one insurer to another.
Each type of Medigap insurance, however, offers different benefits from the other types, however. Plan C offers different benefits than Plan F or Plan M, for example. There are 9 basic benefits that can be covered by the different types of Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans. Unsure of which plans offer which coverages?
Medigap BenefitsMedigap PlansABCDF*GKLMNPart A coinsurance and hospital costs up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are used upYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesPart B coinsurance or copaymentYesYesYesYesYesYes50%75%YesYes***Blood (first 3 pints)YesYesYesYesYesYes50%75%YesYesPart A hospice care coinsurance or copaymentYesYesYesYesYesYes50%75%YesYesSkilled nursing facility care coinsuranceNoNoYesYesYesYes50%75%YesYesPart A deductibleNoYesYesYesYesYes50%75%50%YesPart B deductibleNoNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoPart B If you have Original Medicare, and the amount a doctor or other health care provider is legally permitted to charge is higher than the Medicare-approved amount, the difference is called the excess charge.NoNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoForeign travel exchange (up to plan limits)NoNo80%80%80%80%NoNo80%80%Out-of-pocket limit**N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
* Plan F also offers a high-,deductible plan. If you choose this option, this means you must pay for Medicare-covered costs up to the deductible amount of $2,240 in 2018 before your Medigap plan pays anything.
** After you meet your out-of-pocket yearly limit and your yearly Part B deductible, the Medigap plan pays 100% of covered services for the rest of the calendar year.
*** Plan N pays 100% of the Part B coinsurance, except for a copayment of up to $20 for some office visits and up to a $50 copayment for emergency room visits that don't result in inpatient admission.
Which Plan is Right For You?
Which Medicare Supplemental Insurance is right for you varies from person to person; even spouses may find that they have different insurance needs from their partner. Choosing a plan based on someone else's medical history doesn't tend to work well. If you're not sure which plan might be right for you, contact Direct Insurance Network to speak to an agent who can help you understand the different Medicare options. They can also discuss Medicare SELECT; this Medigap option is not available in all states, but offers a lower cost option for Palm Beach County residents. It does require beneficiaries to use a specified network of hospitals and healthcare providers to get the most benefit from their insurance
To find out more about your Medigap Insurance options in Boca Raton and Palm Beach County, reach out to Direct Insurance Network. We have years of experience offering high quality plans that work for our customers. Contact us today for a free quote by calling (561) 820-8737.