Medicare Supplement Plan Eligibility in Boca Raton and Palm Beach County

With all the confusing elements of Medicare – Part A and Part B and Part D, premiums, choosing a prescription drug plan, and more – it’s easy to forget about choosing a Medicare Supplement Plan. Not everyone wants a Medigap plan (as these insurance plans are also known) but since there is a limited amount of time to enroll without facing potentially higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions, it’s best to know when you’re eligible.
When do I become eligible for Medigap?
Your open enrollment period for Medicare Supplement Plans is very important; while your Part D and Part B plans have open enrollment each year, you only have one open enrollment period for Medigap plans. After that one time period, you can switch plans, but you may have higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions. You can even be denied insurance by the plan you want to switch to.
Your open enrollment period lasts for six months; it begins when you are either over the age of 65 or are disabled, and you have Medicare Part B insurance. You also can’t have a Medicare Advantage Plan (often called Part C) and be eligible for a Medigap insurance.
What plans are available?
There are 10 potential Medigap plans available, and each offers slightly different coverage from the others. All Medigap plans are the same across insurers, however; two companies offering Part F plans, for example, must offer the same benefits.
To find out more about which specific plans are available in your state, contact the Medigap insurance company you want to work with. Direct Insurance Network has been working with customers in South Florida for years, offering exceptional insurance plans in a wide variety of niches. Our customer service record is impeccable, and we want to help you find the right plan to meet your healthcare needs.
Why should I choose a Medicare Supplement Plan right away if I can enroll at any time?
If you think you might need a Medicare Supplement Plan at any time, it’s best to enroll in your original open enrollment period. When you select a plan at this time, you will pay a lower premium than enrolling later, and insurance companies can’t charge you a higher premium due to pre-existing health conditions.
If you wait until later to choose a plan, however, you will need to undergo what is called medical underwriting. The insurance company will look over your health history and determine whether or not they’re willing to offer you insurance. If they are, it may be at a higher premium than if you’d signed up right away.
To find out if a Medigap plan is right for you, contact Direct Insurance Network in Boca Raton, serving all of Palm Beach County today. We will help you determine if a Medicare Supplement Plan is right for you after looking at your eligibility for any state programs that might be available. We’ll help you decide which plan is right for you. Visit us today to start untangling Medicare and getting the right insurance in place for your needs.