Auto Insurance Ft. Myers, FL

We are recommending DIN to all our friends and family for auto insurance - Larry F., Ft. Myers FL
Were you in a car accident? Were you hurt and had to pay for your medical bills and your passengers’? Were the other people involved in the accident hurt because you got distracted? Even if you’ve never experienced something similar, the thought may linger in your mind. You can now rely on Direct Insurance Network’s services to find suitable and affordable auto insurance Ft. Myers FL coverage.
As Florida State makes it obligatory for registered car owners to have auto insurance, you can try to find the best insurance company for your car. Our team at Direct Insurance Network can help you get the most comprehensive auto insurance in Ft. Myers FL.
Why Do You Need Auto Insurance Ft. Myers FL Coverage?
Fort Myers, Florida, has a growing population of over 75,000 people. As an urban county, Ft. Myers has countless automobiles traveling its roads. With so many cars in this county of over 75,000 people, the risk of traffics collisions is highly probable.
In 2016, there were 12,000 crashes in Ft. Myer, FL. The fatalities were around 100 people, while over 7,000 people suffered serious injuries.
In case of a traffic collision, the chances of getting hurt or hurting someone else are high. Therefore, you have to be ready for such sudden situations. This involves having adequate coverage to pay for your own medical bills or the people you might have injured.
Furthermore, there are other potential risks that you avail after attaining an automobile. You can be a victim of vandalism, car theft, or even accidental fires or animal hits, which might cause more than a dent in your car. Shop and compare auto insurance Ft. Myers FL plans today!
What Direct Insurance Network has to Offer
Direct Insurance Network ensures to find an insurance company that can offer services according to your needs and affordability. This means finding coverage that aligns with your budget. Our team will work in your best interest and provide you with excellent customer care.
The insurance companies we will find for you will offer you various auto insurance Ft. Myers FL coverage options:
- Collision Coverage (compulsory in the state of Florida) - this covers the costs of accidents that you incur, either others or yourself.
- Comprehensive coverage- other physical threats such as vandalism, theft, etc.
Both of the above coverage options contain a deductible that you pay for from your own pocket, after which your insurance company meets with the excess of the loss costs.
- Liability Coverage
- Medical Payment- optional for those with life insurance
- Uninsured/ Underinsured Coverage- your insurance company will cover your medical bill if the at-fault driver of the accident is uninsured or if he “simply runs away.”
At Direct Insurance Network, your insurance needs are our priority. We've been providing and exceeding auto insurance Ft. Myers FL expectations for many years. Our happy customers and stellar reputation stands ahead of our name.
So, if you’re looking for auto insurance Ft. Myers, FL, make sure to give us a call at (800) 310-2743 and receive our customer support.
Don’t forget to get a free quote for your auto insurance Ft. Myers, FL by calling or contacting us today.